Redlands Bahá’í Community

"Supremely lofty will be thy station, if thou remainest steadfast in the Cause of thy Lord."

World Teacher Day, 2011

Teacher Appreciation

The Baha'i community shows appreciation to the teachers at Manly State School.

World Teacher Day holds it 40th anniversary this year, representing a day, marked by the UNESCO, as a day to show appreciation, awareness and understanding for the vital contributions that teachers make to the education of our children.


Teacher AppreciationBaha'i's around Australia celebrate this World Teacher Day as Teacher Appreciation Day, and prepare morning tea for the teachers and staff at local schools where they teach Baha'i Education (otherwise know as BESS).


Members of the Redlands Baha'i Community, along with Baha'i's living in the Manly area are involved in teaching BESS at Manly State School, where there are more than 70 children attending Baha'i Education classes at Manly State School.


teacher appreciation Manly 2011On Friday the 28th November, 2011 the Baha'i friends prepared a morning tea in the staff lunch room and presented the teachers with a gift.


"Teachers are the most potent factor in civilisation and their work is the highest to which humanity can aspire." The Baha'i Writings.


Baha'is believe that children are our most precious treasure, and the education of these children is the most meritorious service one can render to society, as the teachers are shaping our future generations.